Senior Chromebook Turn in

Seniors, you may begin turning in Chromebooks during advisory today. You need your Chromebook, charger, and case. Once you get to the library, take your Chromebook out of the case.

Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors–you will keep your Chromebooks throughout the summer and use it next year.

Field Day is Wednesday!

Here is some extra information about this year’s field day. Included is the list of rules we expect you to follow. If you cannot follow them, then you won’t be allowed to participate.

  • Students will go to their first hours and wait for field day to start at 9:00am
  • If someone has to makeup finals, they will go to Mrs. Henson’s room when field day begins 
  • Students have to go where they are signed up to be – attendance will be taken and it will be reported to the office if you are not where you are supposed to be
  • There will be no changing your schedules
  • If you cannot remember your schedule, ask the teacher you are with and they can tell you
  • Wear school appropriate clothing – you are still at school, so dress like it
  • Bring money – Mrs. Roach is going to have a concession stand by the cornhole game
  • Mr. Green is BBQing, so we will have good food
  • Be good and don’t ruin it for everyone else
  • Bring sunscreen if you are planning to be outside

AG News

This is what has been going on in AG and FFA recently:

1 Each year the Missouri FFA hosts a HYPE academy for 30 incoming high school seniors. This year Noah Graham applied and was accepted to be a member of the 2022 HYPE academy. He  will receive hands-on experiences to prepare him  to communicate, lead, and advocate for the agricultural Industry.
Noah will also be attending the  MU Animal Sciences Youth Leadership Academy.This  intense five-day event will focus on increasing knowledge of Missouri’s diverse and dynamic livestock industry, as well as building participant’s leadership skills.  ( no pictures for this )

2-Natalie Hinkle  and Harley Laxton  had the opportunity to attend the Missouri Farm bureau youth leadership day, where they toured the  state  Capital, met with our state representative, visited the house floor, heard special remarks for them from Governor Parsons  and engaged in workshops aimed at strengthening our representation of agriculture.

3-State results FFA contest results Livestock Judging – Kloe L’Heureux, Trevor Miller, Logan Green, and Ava Umfleet.  This team ranked 36th
Forestry –  Joseph Bohrer, Jordan McKinney, Natalie Hinkle, and Darin Garrett. They were ranked 37th
Ag Mechanics- Aaron Waller, Noah Graham, and Blake Middleton  they placed 7th with Noah Graham having the 3rd high individual score.  

Students also toured Snyder Engineering which is owned by Clearwater alumni Mark Snyder.

4-We had 8 FFA members give presentations at the AG in the park event on April 27th. At this event members presented on various agriculture topics to Clearwater and Greenville 1st graders. 

Softball Team Headed to District Championship

The Tigers defeated Dexter High School in the semifinals this afternoon by a score of 8-2. This means they are playing in the finals on Wednesday, May 11. Remember, if you plan on riding the pep bus, you need a signed permission slip and $5. Turn in to Miss Brinkley. You’ll be released from class at 2:45 and the bus will leave at 2:50. And everyone wear orange and black tomorrow!